Hello! My name is Cosmo. You may have seen me around tumblr or Twitter, talking up a storm about Splatoon and anything orderly about it. That's why this site is themed around it! I love to dig deep into all it has to offer, especially in regards to Octo Expansion and Side Order. In fact, my dedication to the series has let me learn to hone my attention for detail, write scripts and articles, edit videos, typeset a few fan-translated Splatoon manga chapters, and more.
I'm also big into art and music, but what Splatoon fan isn't? Feel free to ask me any questions about Splatoon's narratives, worldbuilding, established lore, art, music, characters, or the manga by Sankichi Hinodeya, and I will do my best to give a serviceable answer. If I get to think about something new about it, or I get a new perspective, even better!
And, uh, if you want to see my own art, there's a little bit on the sidebar. Or, there will be. I've never made something like this, so it's a WIP...
This is a table. |
It has some content. |
Two cells of content. |